Urodynamics is testing the bladder and urethra to see how well they are performing their job of storing and releasing urine on command. These tests can provide your physician the information needed regarding the cause and type of a patient’s incontinence, and are most often performed if a patient has failed conservative management or requires surgery.

Incontinence of urine can have several causes, from overactivity of the bladder muscles, to insufficient strength of the pelvic floor fascia/muscles, to trouble with the nerves that control the bladder. One or more of these factors may be involved in a patient’s symptoms. Urodynamic testing measures the pressure and flow of urine in order to see which type(s) of dysfunction are causing the symptoms so that the right treatment decisions can be made. Certain types of incontinence may respond better to medication, while others may respond better to surgery or other therapies. If more than one cause for the incontinence is found, the treatment may need to be even more complex.

Ask your physician if urodynamic testing would be appropriate for you.