Women can rely on our and Dallas Ob/Gyns to manage their high-risk pregnancy with expertise and compassion

The term high-risk pregnancy sounds frightening, but, in actuality, most patients who have a high-risk pregnancy will have a normal pregnancy and birth experience, thanks to the careful monitoring of caring physicians like our Dallas Ob/Gyns. The term is applied to any woman who has a condition prior to or during pregnancy that puts her at greater risk for pregnancy complications.

Factors that contribute to a high-risk pregnancy

If you are pregnant with multiples, your pregnancy is considered a high-risk pregnancy. There are many other factors that may cause a high-risk pregnancy. These include:

Health conditions—These include high blood pressure; diabetes; kidney disease; autoimmune diseases, such as lupus; thyroid disease; obesity; HIV/AIDS and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Age-related factors—Our Dallas Ob/Gyns will closely monitor pregnant teenagers and women who are pregnant after age 35.

Lifestyle issues that lead to high-risk pregnancy—If a patient drinks alcohol, smokes, or uses illicit drugs during her pregnancy, she puts her baby at risk for certain birth defects and low birth weight, among other complications.

Conditions that develop during pregnancy—During pregnancy, some women develop conditions such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia and eclampsia, which can put mother and baby at risk. Our Dallas Ob/Gyns carefully monitor these patients.

Tests and procedures for monitoring and assessment

Women who have a high-risk pregnancy depend on their physicians to know what tests and procedures they may need to provide proper monitoring during their pregnancies. Our Dallas Ob/Gyns have the experience and knowledge to care for high-risk patients. During your high-risk pregnancy, we may recommend certain tests and procedures, including:

  • Targeted or specialized ultrasound to check on areas of possible abnormal development
  • Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) to check for genetic conditions or abnormalities
  • Lab tests to check for fetal fibronectin, a substance that could indicate preterm labor.
  • Ultrasound to measure cervical length to determine your risk for pre-term labor
  • Combining a fetal ultrasound with fetal heart rate monitoring to create a biophysical profile of the baby

The knowledge and experience our Dallas Ob/Gyns bring to the table is so important for patients with high-risk pregnancies

Providing you and your baby with the best possible care and birth outcome is the primary goal of our Dallas Ob/Gyns. We strive to make women who are experiencing a high-risk pregnancy feel confident and comfortable in the knowledge that we are monitoring them closely and always ready to provide high-level care. Contact us as you begin your pregnancy journey.