Clomid and IUI- Beginning Infertility Treatments

Two of the most common fertility treatments used in general gynecology are ovulation induction with clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Both of these inexpensive and low-risk methods are utilized at Health Central, and can be used alone or combined.

Clomid is a medication used to induce ovulation in women desiring fertility. It may be used when a woman does not ovulate regularly, or when the cause of infertility is unknown. Clomid is typically prescribed for 5 days, beginning early in the menstrual cycle. Along with increasing the chance for ovulation, it can also lead to multiple ovulation, so Clomid brings the 10% chance for multiples (compared to 1% risk during natural cycles). Side effects are uncommon (<1%) and can include hot flashes, bloating, blurred vision, and reversible ovarian enlargement.

Intrauterine insemination is an office procedure that is performed using washed and purified semen, which is inserted via a tiny catheter through the woman’s cervix and deposited at the uterine fundus, near the opening of the fallopian tubes, for the purpose of maximizing fertilization chances at the time of ovulation. This method can be used if there is a mild problem with the male’s semen or if the cause of the infertility is unknown. IUI also allows a woman to conceive with a sperm donor’s semen.

Clomid and IUI are frequently combined for treatment of infertility. Speak with your physician about the specifics of your medical case to determine if this treatment would be a helpful option for you to achieve a pregnancy.